Bishop, Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the Southern United States
What is Simplicity
By definition, Simplicity is freedom from cunning or duplicity. It should not be confused with naivety or superficiality. Our Lord Jesus Christ classified naivety, superficiality and simplicity in His parable of the Sewer and the Seed.
Naivety has been likened to a sideway. Sideways are no good grounds for growing plants. When seeds fall on them, they remain there functionless until they find rest in the stomachs of birds and animals. So is the case with a nave person. People and events come across his way, but he cannot see through nor learn from them. A naive person lacks discernment and good judgment; and as a result, he can get himself into trouble.More often than not, naivetyis accompanied by ignorance and haughtiness.
Superficiality resembles stony places with no depth of earth. What happened to the seeds that fell on such stony places? They sprang up; but because they could not establish roots among those stony layers, they died shortly after.Superficiality characterizes a person who takes things at surface value without delving deep into their meaning or essence.
Simplicity is good ground, bound to yield crops regardless of size whether hundred, sixty or thirty. Simplicity defies and transcends both naivety and superficiality; because in essence simplicity is the spouse of wisdomand the child of humility both being important protective weapons to the human heart.
Whereas Simplicity does not worry about the consequences of obeying Gods Commands, Naivety does not worry about the consequences of ones actions. Superficiality on the other hand, thinks about neither actions nor consequences.
Traits of Simplicity, (the Good Ground)
+ Obedience
St. Mary heard the message from the angel; and although she was totally baffled by the seeming impossibility and absurdity of it, yet because the message was coming from God, she answered obediently “Let it be to me according to your word” without thinking of the hazardous, vague, undefined consequences. Was it not because of her obedience perhaps we would still be hopelessly in bondage with no future nor destiny. St. Marys obedience came like fresh water bringing satisfaction to the human race As cold water to a weary soul, so is good news from a far country (Proverbs 25:25). The outcome of obedience is always a hundredfold blessing. St. Mary is revered by all generations.
+ Innocence
This trait is an essentialrequirement for entry into the kingdom of heaven; “unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 18:3).To be Christlike is to return and be childlike.St. Marys innocence is both concealed and manifest in her total obedience. She, in a childlike manner, followed Joseph in their flight to Egypt; accepted to give birth to her mysteriously begotten Son in a manger; watched signs and wonders happen around her without questioning, freaking out, nor fainting. Who would behave like that except someone with a childlike attitude? In her innocence, the beautiful dove was like Noahs dove carrying the branch of Olive (Jesus Christ) bringing good tidings to Noah (the prototype of humanity that was in captivity) (Genesis 8:8-12). In many of her apparitions, St. Mary was seen by people as a beautiful dove hovering in the sky.
+ Modesty
Having been informed from heaven concerning her future status as the full of grace, blessed among women, found grace with God, the mother-to-be of the Son of the most high, the King of kings and Lord of Lords, St. Mary was in a position to be psychologically and physically ready for grandeur and glamour. Yet, no artist portrayed her except in her ordinary attire of a humble, middle class Jewish girl who, having been dedicated by her parents to God, grew up in the temple. David wrote about St. Marys inner beauty and transparency saying, the royal daughter is all glorious within the palace (Psalm 45:13). She, in her modesty qualified for St. Peters description of a modest woman whose beauty is not in arranging the hair, wearing gold, or putting on fine apparel; rather let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of God (1 Peter 3:3-4). Even with the entire honor her Son has bestowed upon her, the At Your right hand stands the queen (Psalm 45:9) still chooses simple people to visit and simple churches to appear in.
May the prayers and supplications of St. Mary, the Mother of our God be with us all. Amen.